Tag Archives: e-cigs

Vape — word of the year



vape-definitionWord of the year—

I love it when the Oxford Dictionaries annually names a word of the year.  This must be a tough task.  They say the word is  chosen because it “is judged to reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year and to have lasting potential as a word of cultural significance.”

This year’s winner is …drum roll…vape.

Vape is a verb to denote the action of breathing in the vapor produced by and electronic cigarette.  Some call these e-cigarettes.  It can be a noun when it refers to the act of vaping or the device itself.

The Urban Dictionary notes that the word is used because you done “smoke” an e-cigarette since there is vapor, not smoke.

Now you now this year’s word of the year.