Tag Archives: FiddleFaddle

That’s a bunch of poppycock

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That’s a bunch of poppycock.  Heard that many times, I bet.  Do you know what poppycock is?
You may be surprised.          

Currently, poppycock means rubbish, balderdash, bunk, hogwash, etc.   Basically, something worthless.

 Did you know it originally was a Dutch word pappekak that means soft dung or diarrhea?  (I hope you aren’t reading this during breakfast.)

 In an ironic twist of fate, the word poppycock also is the name of a sweetly coated popcorn treat.

I happen to like to eat Poppycock –the popcorn treat—and FiddleFaddle. Next time I munch on it, I will wonder about the company’s marketing efforts when they named the stuff.   Did they do any research?